Les emballages de plastique qui se decomposent en pleine nature
TechnologieQuelle est la réaction?ProduitsEcologieCertificatsRecherches


Beaucoup de scientifique de le monde entier de universités différents ont fait analyse sur les différents aspects de polymères oxodégradents Vous pouvez consulter certains de leur recherches dans la documentation suivante:
  1. Chiellini,E, Corti,A, Antone,S.D’, Swift, G. “Biodegradation of Thermally-Oxidized, Fragmented Low density Polyethylenes.” Polymer Degradation and. Stability, Elsevier. 3 January 2003

  2. Bonhomme, S, Cuer, A., Delort, A-M., Lemaire, Sancelme, M., and Scott, G. “Environmental Biodegradation of polyethylene.” Polymer Degradation and. Stability, Elsevier. 25 March 2003

  3. Chiellini,E, Corti,A, Antone,S.D’, Baciu, R.. “Oxo-biodegradable carbon backbone polymers – Oxidative degradation of polyethylene under accelerated test conditions.” Polymer Degradation and. Stability, Elsevier. 27 March 2006

  4. Billingham, N.C, Chiellini, E., Corti, A., Baciu, R., and Wiles, D.M., “Environmentally Degradable Plastics Based on Oxo-biodegradation of Conventional Polyolefins.” NCB, Pisa Paper; 2002

  5. Billingham,N.C, Wiles, D.M., Cermak, B. E. Cermak, Gho J.G., Hare, C.W. J., Tung, J.F. “Controlled – Lifetime Environmentally Degradable Plastics Based on Conventional Polymers.

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